CONTACT US: 0534010556
GPS : EE-0003-2431
FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/abuakwasouth?mibextid=2JQ9oc
An effective, collaborative and accountable local government institution with the capacity to manage and provide quality and accessible services.
The ABUAKWA SOUTH MUNICIPAL ASSEMBLY exists to provide the overall development of the municipality by providing service through efficient management of resources and coordination of activities of all decentralized departments and agencies, so as to improve the quality of life of the people.
The Assembly was established as a District Assembly in the year 1988 with LI 1420. It was elevated to a Municipal status by LI 1878 IN 2008. It was in 2018 changed to Abuakwa South by LI 2304, 2018. It is located in the central portion of Eastern Region with a total land area of 210 kilometer square. The Municipal capital is Kyebi and bounded by six districts namely Abuakwa North, West Akim, New Juabeng North, Suhum, and Atiwa West. The municipality has a population of 88,828 with 44,795 being female and 44,033 being male. The major economic activity is mainly farming.
The municipality lies within the moist semi-deciduous forest (figure 1.8). There are few forest reserves covering about 108.8sq. Km, including part of the Atewa Forest Reserve. The forest reserves constitute about 15% of the entire surface area of the municipality. Some commercial species of trees contained in the forest are Odum, Wawa, Ofram, Mahogany, Kyenkyen among others. The Atewa forest is noted for its abundant biodiversity and life sustaining significance which needs to be conserved and preserved as indicated in the write-up that follows.
The major soils in the municipality are the Asikuma-Atiwa-Ansum/Oda Compound Association (figure 1.10). Dominating this soil group is the Atiwa series which are mainly red, well drained, deep gravel-free silt loams and silt- clay loams. The Peki series are brown to reddish yellow, numerous ethnic groups that have permanently settled in the municipality with majority of them being farmers and mining workers.
The municipality lies in the west semi-equatorial zone characterized by double rainfall maxima occurring in June and October; the first rainy season from May to June and the second from September to October. The mean annual rainfall is between 125mm and 175mm. the dry seasons are really distinct with the main season commencing in November and ending in late February.
The favorable rainfall pattern promotes agricultural activities even though it negatively affects constructional works causing cost and time overruns on contracts. Temperature is found to be fairly uniform ranging between 26o C in August and 30oC in March. Relative humidity is generally high throughout the year, ranging between 70%-80% in the dry season and 75% – 80% in the wet season.
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